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Centric Disc Butterfly Valves

Double Flange Butterfly Valve

Double-offset flanged butterfly valve, available with long or short face-to-face length for use in most common flow control applications. Long service life, as the media does not come into contact with the bearing, and due to the wear-resistant, corrosion and infiltration-proof seat with weld overlay. Suitable for use water distribution, water treatment, pre-treated waste water, dams, power plants, industry and pressure management.

Lined Butterfly Valves Manufacturer

Pneumatic Butterfly Valves Manufacturer

Metal Seated Butterfly Valves

metal seated lined butterfly valves are an optimal solution for flow control requirements in high temperature applications. They are offered in a variety of metal seating options depending on the media and temperature requirements in the applications. These valves can be used in air, water, thermic fluid, hot oil and steam applications.

Spherical Disc Valve - SDV

Precise & Strong Durable to 240 °C / 600 °C Temperature and 10 Kg/cm2 / 20 Kg/cm2 Pressure

Pneumatic Butterfly Valves Manufacturer

Lined Butterfly Valves Manufacturer

Fabricated Butterfly Valve

Gear Operated MS Fabricated Double Flange Butterfly Valve Construction engineered

for multiply ON / OFF Operation in the large Pipe line and full flow down Stream.




